Monday, April 6, 2015

Head Space

Recently I read the book "To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf. My initial impression of it was positive. The immediate experience of reading it and reflecting upon it was similar to...well now that I am thinking about it, I cannot easily pin point a book that I have read in the last couple of years that is similar. Perhaps Faulkner, but only in the cadence and the style, the mood is completely different, and I have also found that one Faulkner book is completely unlike another, a pattern which I am incapable of establishing with Woolf (having only read one of her novels).

I suppose a better question then would be, would I read another story by Woolf? The answer is probably yes, but only after I take a break from the heady and atmospheric, the philosophical and imaginary. To the Lighthouse was a fine book, but a little too intangible for my tastes. Or at least, too intangible for me to endure in extended dosages. For my next read, I am aiming for something more rooted in traditional narrative plot advancement. I want characters that couple their thoughts with actions. I want dramatic twists and turns that have ramifications outside of a character's head. I want fist fights and long kisses and maybe some explosions. I want to read a good old fashioned story. I'm tired of the kinky stuff. Give me missionary.

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