Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tall trees

Still heartbroken, I bought a paintball gun. This seemed like an appropriately masculine response to the situation. I am fortunate enough to have friends who have the same ideas that I have. This is a rare thing. I brought my paintball gun to them and they brought their paintball guns as well. And together we hiked into the woods and explored. We traced the path of a trail, an abandoned relic of the infinite days of early puberty. When I returned, I had a conversation with another friend. She told me about words in other languages which do not directly translate to English. One of those words seemed especially relevant. Waldeinsamkeit is a German word describing the cathartic sensation of being in the woods and being thoughtful. There seems to be a delight and a purity to exploration and I want to seek it out and be comfortable finding it in myself.

Here's a photograph I took of the hills of Connecticut.

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