Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Increasing Taxes

Just a thought: Why do so many conservatives get bent out-of-shape over the idea of increasing taxes? It's fairly clear by this chart (http://www.taxfoundation.org/publications/show/151.html) that the current tax bracket set-up is a very recent innovation. I can understand if the voters of my generation cannot wrap their minds around tax rates of 50% (or even higher!) for the extremely wealthy. It's simple: they have not been exposed to this. But what is the excuse for the majority of conservative voters? Older people who are no doubt familiar with these historical precedents. Reducing the deficit does not happen magically, and it certainly will not occur through the simple hack-and-slash of government programs. It is my belief that people need to start realizing that we are a developed, democratic country and that in order to live in the type of society we have enjoyed for so long, we need to start paying for it somehow.

I think the bigger problem is that people take our way of life for granted. You hate paying taxes? Go live in the DRC and enjoy your tax-free existence.

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